Bob Roberts is a smart guy! He not only has invested his life in Kingdom living but also he is attempting to embrace ministry is a changing world. His books have inspired many of us to rethink ministry and mission. We (that would be the Tracking the Spirit team) would encourage you to read any of the books he's written...you can check them out by clicking HERE. Below is an article that Bob wrote for his blog...I believe it summarizes what has occurred within Western Christianity over the past decades. Although this is happening in our own back yard (European Christianity experienced this far earlier than we), it should not be a source of discouragement, fear, or yearning for the good 'ole days that never will come back...it is rather a call and challenge for a fresh expression of the Spirit's leading in our lives. So...
How Evangelism is Different in the 21st Century - By Bob Roberts Jr.
I know that many people read my blog that are not pastors and Christians, and for that reason I want to differentiate a couple of words that most of the time the media and others miss. One is “evangelism” - that is the practice of sharing your faith. It is tied to the word “evangelists” - which companies use to describe enthused salesmen - it comes from the Greek and it has to do with Christians passionately sharing what they believe in - Jesus Christ - and inviting others to follow him. The other word is “evangelical”. Notice the ending of the two words - “ism” and “cal”. The evangelical is one that is a more conservative Christian. They believe in the Divinity/Humanity of Christ and also the authority of the Bible unlike any other book. There are many other things I could say about both - but one is a practice - evangelism - that all Christians are to perform and the other is a tribe - evangelical - of conservative Christians. I’m writing today about evangelism. How is it different today than even 25 years ago?
First, evangelism was a presentation of who Jesus was. It was like giving someone their own personal “sermonette” be it the Four Spiritual Laws or the Roman Road, and at the conclusion you would ask a person to pray a prayer asking Jesus to forgive them of their sins and come into their heart. Evangelism has moved from presentation to conversation. I rarely witness (share my faith, do evangelism) the way I was trained when I was a teenager. It just doesn’t work in the current context. We talk about things, and I share Bible verses that I’ve memorized and the conversation evolves to where the person wants it to go and I attempt to answer questions to challenging things along the way.
Second, evangelism has moved from primarily a decision about eternity to a decision about a lifestyle. The objective of evangelism used to be to get people to heaven - in one sense it still is - and always will be. On the other hand, getting someone to get fire insurance (not going to Hell), is insufficient for a passionate faith. They have to love God for who he is as our Savior & Father, to live in relationship and community with him. Until people want to be transformed by Jesus, they are just being more religious - I want people to be far more than just religious - I want them to have a passionate relationship with Jesus that is changing their lives.
Third, evangelism that led to conversion was the end game of every person. Today, and in a Kingdom of God context, conversion isn’t the end game but the starting point of walking with God. There is nowhere in the Scripture it says we know that we know him because “we prayed the prayer.” But the small epistle of 1John says, we know that we know him because . . . . and he gives seven things. When you read those 7 things they all have to do with behavior, lifestyle, relationships, and servanthood. Those things don’t make a Christian, they merely point to the fact that people who have accepted Jesus - those things follow them. (It’s 5 short chapters - and in Biblical length like 3 pages - my communist and atheist and Muslim friends would like reading the little book - it’s near the back of the Bible in the New Testament - it’s 1 John, not John, look in your table of contents - it also talks about how we know that we know him because we confess that God has come in the flesh - another reason we believe Jesus is God.)
Fourth, evangelism was about the person you didn’t know. Today, evangelism is about the person you do know. All sharing of the Gospel involved knocking on doors and people waiting for us to show up and give them their own personal sermon. Our culture has changed. Relationships are the key to people coming to faith in Christ. I loved what a friend said recently at a meeting I was at, “I don’t want someone hitting me over the head with their religion. But as I’m grilling burgers with Chris I want to be able to say, hey what’s with this Trinity thing.” Recently someone asked me “why do you care about Muslims so much?” The truth of the matter is, I never did my whole life until the past few years, but then something happened I got to know a lot of them and became friends with them and they with me. What’s cool is, when you’re friends you can discuss your faith without debating it, you also listen with respect to one another even if you disagree.
Fifth, evangelism is as much about the impact it is making in the life of the one “witnessing” as it is the set of theological beliefs. You can’t just “share the presentation” anymore. The question is, “Does it work in your life?” But it isn’t enough for you to see it work in your life, do “THEY” see it work in your life. Keep in mind being called a “Christian” or being “Christ-like” was something the people in Antioch called the Christians, not a title they chose for themselves.
Sixth, evangelism was about passing on information and truth. Today, we share our faith not just with words but actions. Matthew 25 was always there! As we serve others, it opens massive doors to be able to share our beliefs. I don’t believe we should serve to convert, but those of us who are converted will serve and when people ask us why, at that point, we can tell them because of our faith.
Seventh, evangelism was about me telling and you listening. Today, evangelism is more about me listening to your story than me telling you mine, me listening to your view of God and what you believe and responding.
Eighth, evangelism is about presenting the Gospel and they accept Christ or I move on to someone else. That wasn’t the model of Jesus - but somehow we failed to realize we needed to have ongoing relationships with people. The people that I’ve seen come to faith in Christ generally had a long and ongoing relationship with them. I might add - they last as well. When we’re friends with people - and they truly accept Christ - it’s not like a fast food decision.
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