So You Think You Can Ush?
Are you qualified to be an usher? No, not the Usher. Those qualifications include: Is your outfit ridiculous? Are you in the club lookin’ so conspicuous? Do you refer to Hotlanta as “A-Town”? If so, you might be qualified to be Usher. If you’re wondering more about becoming an usher at church, read on.
This is a serious job in the Sunday morning volunteer lineup, and for years, I’ve lost more than a few hours of sleep pondering if push came to shove, would I have the necessary chops to get my ush on? Well, to put my mind at ease, and maybe yours too, I’ve written a guide called “So You Think You Can Ush?”
If you can simultaneously shake hands, hand out bulletins, and give Jolly Ranchers to kids (+2 points)
If you banter so well your friends call you “Banter Claus” (+5 points)
If you shake hands so strongly, guys in the WWE created a submission hold based on it called “The Usher Crusher” (-2 points)
If you have ever dislodged an offering train wreck (+3 points)
If you like to throw the offering plate like a Frisbee (-3 points)
If you have your own custom-molded earpiece for your walkie-talkie (+4 points)
If you’ve never ever looked into the offering plate to see how much your friend gives, for fear you might turn into a skeleton like in Indiana Jones with the Ark of the Covenant (+10 points)
If you can signal to the pastor he’s out of time and he wraps it up (+5 points)
If you can signal to the pastor he’s out of time and he gets his second wind (-5 points)
If you are currently keeping your points tally on last weekend’s bulletin (+3 points)
If you can simultaneously make latecomers feel guilty and welcome with one look (I’ve heard Blue Steel does the trick) (+11 points)
If you can get people to sit on the front row (I’ve heard this is just a legend, but my cousin’s good friend’s younger sister saw it happen once) (+10finity points)
If you can balance 5 trays of grape juice cups without spilling (+5 points and +1 for each extra)
If, in an effort to “go green”, you decide to re-use the tiny grape juice cups next week (-5 points)
If you stay in on Saturday nights to memorize Sunday’s bulletin (+8 points)
If you stay in on Saturday nights to draw pictures in Sunday’s bulletin (-8 points)
If you think sitting down is for wimps (+4 points)
If you fantasize about ushing on a Segway (-4 points)
If you fantasize about ushing on a horse and giving people pony rides to their seats (+16 points…I’d love to experience this firsthand…if your church does this, let me know and I’ll come)
If you make a sign that says “You must be this tall to experience big church this week” in an effort to limit the number of crying baby disruptions (-3 points, but your head’s in the right spot)
Okay, you’ve tallied your score, so let’s see how you did:
0-10 points: You probably don’t like people. You would make a disastrously bad usher even at an online church.
11-20 points: If it came down to it, you could fill in without anyone noticing, but you may want to have some hand warmers on standby.
21-30 points: The head usher should watch his back, because you’re gunning for the #1 spot. You can almost see your name embossed on a magnetic nametag with the words “LEAD WELCOMER” under it.
31+ points: You ushering would be like if Chuck Norris played soccer…totally overqualified. I mean, that guy can KICK.
What did I leave out? What are some more usher qualifications?
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