His father died of the plague during the 17th century in England...he was a leader of the "non-conformists" (a.k.a. the Puritans)...he was an ordained Presbyterian clergyman...his name is John Flavel. Here's a quote of his I ran into the other day when I was doing some reading. It is quite good and has very practical implications:
"Would you like to test whether this or that doctrine is from the Spirit of Christ or not? Examine it by this rule: whatever doctrine you find to encourage and countenance sin, to exalt self, to be accommodating to the world’s designs, and that bends to the humors and lusts of men, you may safely reject. Whatever doctrine makes those who profess it to be carnal, proud, and sensual, you may safely conclude never came from Jesus Christ. The doctrines of Christ lead to godliness; his truth sanctifies. Do not swallow anything, even if it comes ever so dearly, that does not have some relish of Christ and holiness in it."
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