Ed Stetzer is a good guy! Don't hold the fact that he is a Southern Baptist against him...I don't know the guy, but he is one of those who has attempted to creatively, passionately, and lovingly bring new paradigms of ministry into the "abyss" of contemporary churchworld. He is a visionary...he has written some good books and he still provides thoughtful ideas that are meant to spur the Church onto faithfulness.
Recently, he talked about being at Saddleback Church (you know, yes, that one!) to do some speaking...unfortunately, and unbeknowst to him, I read his post...and it touched off something inside of me that I haven't felt before. Context - I was in SoCal last weekend to speak at the retirement banquet of my friend and former ministry partner Jim Hale. During that time I was there, I had a conversation with one of the pastors of the church...he is attempting to build a ministry in a neighborhood not too far from the "main" campus of the church in Irvine. He said, with some trepidation and sorrow in his heart, "things are tough building a faith community in Orange County - but it just got tougher now that Saddleback is starting another satellite campus in the same neighborhood...how do we compete against that?" I have prayed for this sincere, passionate, and humble young leader every day since I left SoCal.
Now...back to Ed Stetzer...he made his post about his visit to Saddleback...and I felt "inspired" to email him the following:
Ed - I've never emailed you or posted on your blog though I must say that I love what God is doing in and through you as you are "used" by the Spirit in as apostolic leader. I don't see that too often in Western Christianity..you definitely have that gift! Anyway, I read your blog daily...have quoted you and copied articles you have written to pass on to the people I "disciple" in the missional project that I facilitate. I only have one thing to share about Saddleback...I have watched Saddleback, been at training sessions there as well as pastored a church in their "OC" backyard...unfortunately, the "other" side of a mega-ministry is the marketplace pressure that is put on small communities of faith in their neighborhoods. I talked to a ministry leader in Irvine the other day...he is leading a faithful missional ministry in a neighborhood...he has labored there in an attempt to shift some paradigms that will move "ekklesia" into the 21st century, postchristendom era. Unfortunately, Saddleback decided to do another of their satellite campuses right down the street from his "rented" facility. Saddleback has the money, publicity, and marketshare to kick the proverbial "a**" of any other presence in that area. Yes, it is about relationships....but when a church like Saddleback believes that "it" has the Kingdom goodies at the expense of what others are doing, I can only call it what it is - ecclesiastical bullying. I used to admire Saddleback...but if they would stay where they believe God has planted them and not take up a colonialistic mindset that hurts the broader Body of Christ because they (smaller communities and gatherings) can't compete in a consumeristically driven society/culture, then all I can say is "I'm jumping off the Saddleback bus"...Big churches, like big and powerful nations, only have a specific "shelf limit" in history...my question, when Saddleback's time in the spotlight is over, will Western Christianity really be better off? I don't think so! Anyway, had to get that off my chest...despite all that, keep up the great ministry! I can't wait to read what you will be up to next.
I'm posting this for a couple of reasons - first of all, I'm an idiot - I like to "air" my feelings and insights and put them out there for my "community" to share with me in a creative and loving conversation. I don't presume to be right...I simply have reactions to what I see when courageous ministry steps are squelched by those who have had "success" in a consumer driven, modernistically driven culture. Secondly, I'm doing this to get you involved...let's do some talking. NO, I'm not "megachurch" bashing...that's too easy of a target...what I am suggesting is that we discuss how we do minsitry in a postchristendom world where numbers (if you are a sheer numbers person) are NOT looking very favorable for the Christ-following movement.
Jump on in! You can do it via emai (rdugall@apu.edu) OR by simply posting here!
Your brother,
Rock on, Robin.
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