Hi friends in Jesus -
This week, under the guidance of Denny Langston, Denny Lorenz and Patti Maggoria, we began a journey together in exploring new paradigms in ministry and mission. The great thing about this journey is that it is NOT something that we hope to guide, steer or restrain...rather we are following the Spirit in seeing how HE moves and inspires us - each in our own context, each with our own gifts, insights and passions. The beauty of it is that we are doing this IN COMMUNITY - accountable to each other for sharing what God is teaching us for the sake of the Kingdom of God!
This blog is forum for ideas...questions...insights...praxis...learning...whatever we want to make it! We'll have one rule and one rule only - we are faithful to the Spirit and open with each other based on the love that we share for Jesus Christ!
So bookmark this blog...better yet, subscribe to it via Bloglines or some other RSS tracker...that way you can check back regularly to read, respond, post, etc.
Let the journey begin!
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